Playtesting has started on The B Block Breakout and initial responses have been extremely positive. Players love how they are immersed into the experience, quickly forgetting their real world surroundings.

We’ve spent the last couple of months listening to their feedback and making appropriate adjustments to the game to ensure everyone has a fun experience. This means we now include “hard” and “easier” modes, which can be used to tailor the players experiences for maximum enjoyment. The story and environments are the same in both, but puzzles and clues are adjusted.
Nearly everything has been rearranged based on our observations of these playtests, and we’re very happy with the results. Playtests will continue for the next couple of months to ensure we have a product that is as polished as possible.
We’ve also spent a large portion of time ensuring that the game runs completely smoothly, while still looking as pretty as possible, and are happy to report we have achieved our objectives.
All this has resulted in a the classic software project unfortunate delay. We’re now targeting a release in early 2022.